
Firm Relaunch Address

Firm Relaunch Address

Guess who’s baaack…Yup, it’s us, The Fashion Law Group. We apologize for our year long absence. It has been a crazy year of rebuilding and rebranding the firm. Given the work that we’ve put in, we know you’ll appreciate the changes. While some team members have left to pursue their dreams, the strength and spirit of our mission to assist young entrepreneurs achieve their goals remains unchanged and unwavering.
To relaunch the firm, we have also chosen to get back to the basics; to re-educate our readers on the things that we think are fundamental to running a great business. The first blog series will cover contracts that we think every entrepreneur running a fashion business should have and why.
Please enjoy and thank you for reading.

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Los Angeles

Main Office

610 South Main Street, Suite 220
Los Angeles, CA 90014

San Francisco

Satellite Office – By Appointment Only

185 Channel Street
San Francisco, CA 94158